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Collaborating With GitHub

Members of the Margo project use GitHub to collaborateMembers of the Margo project actively leverage GitHub, a prominent code hosting platform, to foster collaboration and drive project success. Within GitHub's collaborative ecosystem, team members can seamlessly interact, share ideas, and contribute to the project's codebase. They utilize various features such as issue tracking, pull requests, and code reviews to ensure efficient development processes and maintain high-quality code standards. By embracing GitHub's version control capabilities, Margo project members can track changes, manage multiple versions of the code, and easily revert to previous versions if necessary. Additionally, GitHub's social coding aspect enables team members to learn from each other, share knowledge, and collectively troubleshoot challenges, leading to a more dynamic and innovative project environment.

Create a GitHub Account - Click here

GitHub Collaboration

The following steps outline how Margo collaborates with GitHub:

  • How to create an Issue - Click here
  • How to create an Pull Request - Click here
  • Assigning Issues and Pull Requests - Click here
  • Merge a Pull Request - Click here
  • If you require some 1:1 GitHub training, drop your PM an email - Click to schedule some training

    GitHub Approval Process

      GitHub Approval Process

      Review and Approval
      Margo Organisation Structure
      Pull Request Approval Steps
    • 1. Member submits Pull Request (PR) in Project GitHub repository
    • 2. At the next WG/Project meeting, the Chair/members discuss and review the submitted PR. If the meeting has a quorum, the Chair can:
    • a. Ask the meeting members if there are any objections to merging the PR; if there are no objects, the PR can be merged into the DEV branch.
    • b. Submit the PR into a 7-day Review and Approval period; When the R&A closes the Chair can;
    • 1) No Objections - the PR will be marked as approved and merged into the DEV branch.
    • 2) Objections - If there are objections to the PR, they will be discussed in the next available meeting to resolve the issue. If a resolution cannot be reached and the objection continues, the PR will be submitted for electronic vote.

    GitHub Membership Access

    Role Access Rights
    Members TRIAGE - Can read and clone this repository. Can also manage issues and pull requests.
    Chairs/Editors WRITE - Can read, clone, and push to this repository. Can also manage issues and pull requests.
    Maintainer ADMINISTRATOR - Can read, clone, and push to this repository. They can also manage issues, pull requests, and some repository settings.